“You must always dare to be yourself

Gianni Zuiverloon / Ex professional football player / Founder


Gianni’s story

“During my own career, I experienced a number of life-changing positive and negative things, but there was no one to help me cope with them. My career would have been much more stable if I had had someone in my life who would have stood by me in those moments. I would have made different choices.”

“We know that if you are in good shape mentally, you can perform better in life, as well. So I’m glad that more and more young people are daring to speak out about their mental state.”

“By also sharing our stories we show that we too have gone through the shit everyone goes through. Know that you are not the only one. By daring to share issues like this and making yourself vulnerable, we can help a lot of others with the Play Mental Foundation.”

“We want to be an example for others to be vulnerable as well.”


Happiness is not out there, it’s in you!


Gianni Zuiverloon


If you have any questions or comments

We would like to hear them! You can call +31 (0)20 – 22 78 881 or use our contact form below.